Independent Third Party Certification

Implemented by the The Fruit & Vegetable Inspection Service of the Colorado Department of Agriculture, in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), this service provides independent, third party certification of a commodity’s quality anytime within the marketing chain. The program’s staff annually inspects more than 2.1 billion pounds of produce from Colorado, a large part of it being potatoes.   Annually, more than 10,000 requests for shipping point and terminal market inspections are processed statewide, utilizing up to 44 Federal/State Inspection Service (FSIS) personnel during peak shipments. The Inspection Service facilitates trade between producer/shipper and wholesale/retail marketers, providing unbiased documentation of size, quality, and condition of potatoes using internationally recognized USDA grade standards.

Good Agricultural Practices

This section is also involved with the Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices Audit Verification Program. This service is an audit based verification program developed to help the U.S. produce industry minimize microbial food safety hazards. This program’s personnel review a participating company’s facility and agronomic practices, along with its documented procedures, to help determine if Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP) are maintained.

The inspection service ensures the shipment of high quality fruits and vegetables and enhances Colorado’s reputation as a supplier of superior produce.

For more information about Colorado Department of Agriculture Fruit & Vegetable Section inspections, contact:

Phone: 719-852-4749

Agricultural practices in San Luis Valley, CO